Wildlife Guide |  (Virtual) Happy Birthday, Kevin!

You will like the series NextPicture Great short film And Black glass ? Then make a record of the miniseries Wildlife GuideAn adaptation of the popular novel by Jean-Philippe Baril Guérard.

Released yesterday at 6:00 p.m.

It is excellent and airtight. Like some of these tech-funded TV series Trillion Where Industry It burns us with their incomprehensible technical jargon. But no Wildlife Guide. It’s above all a story of ambition and power in the world of start-ups Start.

Yes, this TV is all about job chats and investment capital, but it also delves deeper into death, complicated family relationships, the desire for success and the cruelty of the tech world. Suppose it changes the order (insert a profession like policeman, lawyer or doctor here).

Technical details before proceeding. The series will air the first episode of Plus One Wildlife Guide Wednesday, March 16 at 8 p.m. Therefore, it is not possible to swallow it in a hurry. Patience should be sharpened weekly.

Photo by Danny Dylan, chorus

Luis Morissette explains the role of the investor in allowing Start Take Huld.

Wildlife Guide Describes the rise of thousands of Kevin Bordard (Antoine Pylon) Wis baby Of Thetford Mines. Kevin grew up in a high quality family. Her father, Denise (Gilder Roy), is illiterate, poor, but good at business, running a mega construction company, while her mother, Martin (Isabel Vincent), takes photos on the iPad. , Dave.

Kevin hates his first name (Kévunnne!), The new rich tinsel of this universe. What does Kevin like most? Achieve success without the help of his dad. He gets there and talks directly on camera, giving the secrets of his success in the form of a TED Talk type presentation. Think Kendall (Jeremy Strong) Next When he leaves his way to “disrupt” the media environment.

In Kevin’s mouth, it sounds like: “Greatest inventions are born out of an accident. Or: “Nothing is more powerful than an idea.

Chapter One Wildlife Guide Kevin’s friends have a wonderful re-creation – in two versions – of the popular viral “Happy Birthday, Kevin!” “I watched it tirelessly four times. It’s a beautiful flash that carries all the elements of this craft clip titled” A word for Kevin “which has been viewed 1.9 million times on YouTube.

Photo by Danny Dylan, chorus

Antoine Pylon and Virginia Ranger-Purecord as Kevin and Eve

Kevin Huld co-founded the company with his former roommate Laurent (Rodley Pitt) and his ex-girlfriend Eve (Virginie Ranger-Buregard), which creates an app that allows its users to communicate with the dead. Yes yes. How? By merging all the digital traces (Facebook posts, text messages or comments on Instagram) left by the missing person.

The role model created with a famous actress (Catherine Brunett) is stunning. An angel investor (Louis Morissette) will pay a lot of money for it, and you can guess here that this promising plan will pass large parts of the turmoil.

Especially at the protocol level. Is it possible to market one’s virtual memory in this way without their approval? Will Hold’s processor really help people alleviate their grief or will it gather a lot of intimate and valuable information?

The two episodes I watched on Wednesday (six episodes in total) have some pretty creative findings. Whether it’s “memes”, video games or pasties of 2D animation, these elements breathe a lot of rhythm into the series without being too gimmicky.

Photo by Alain Roberg, The Press

Author of Wildlife GuideJean-Philippe Baril Guérard and series director Christian Lawrence

In the role of CEO, not the Messiah or the social geek, Antoine Pylon equals arrogance and harsh humor enough that we are so closely intertwined with his character. His partner Virginie Ranger-Purecord shines as head of operations and is ready to do anything to get Huld off the ground.

Miniseries Wildlife Guide Co-written by Jean-Philippe Baril Guérard and director Christian Lawrence (5And Ranking, Slip) Unwrap the bottle of Greek orange wine, pull out the charcuterie trays, and put the little Jayden to bed and watch well, mob.

Link with Jean-Marc Wally

Many readers do not understand why the series Another story De Radio-Canada inserted a vignette that Jean-Marc Wally wanted “Bon Voyage” at the beginning of the credits of the last episode that aired Monday evening. Did the Quebec filmmaker die of early Alzheimer’s disease without anyone knowing? You asked.

not at all. Here is a simple explanation. Jean-Marc Wally, who celebrated his 59th birthday on Wednesday, has been in a long-standing relationship with the screenwriter.Another story, Chandel Cathex. They had two boys, Alex and Emily, now adults. Emily Wally did the video editing on the episodeAnother story Monday and his brother Alex Wally plays the wife of Jerome Showerback Sympathy to Naëlle (Cynthia Trudeau).

So yes, we can say thatAnother story Kadiux-Wallis family story. Now you know everything. Jean-Marc Wally is said to have died of a heart attack on Christmas Day 2021.

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