Wirtualna Polska – Everything is important

The Polish Trade Inspection conducted an outstanding boiler test. The study included 15 types of equipment, and the results of a comprehensive examination revealed many irregularities. Advise if there is anything to be afraid of.

15 kinds of boilers and 15 lighting fixtures. Effect? Lots of violations. Tests showed, among other things, a lack of grounding or a failure to guarantee the declared IP protection level in some of the tested devices.

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‘Structural defects’ were shown in one boiler and six formulations. As shown, similar situations increase the risk of electric shock.

Moreover, formal inconsistencies are found in every third kettle. This, for example, relates to the lack of information about the manufacturer, batch number or product name. The same applies to two of the fifteen luminaires tested.

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After the tests were completed, the inspection was applied to fix the structural defects of the boilers and fittings. The consequences will also affect the producers if official errors are discovered. UOKiK has initiated two administrative cases against them.

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