Wo³odymyr Ze³enski made five points of the peace equation.  “We demand sanctions for the crimes committed” |  world News

Seventy-seventh session of the General Assembly United nations It began on Tuesday, September 13, 2022. The first day of the high-level general discussion was held a week later, on September 20. On Friday, September 16, it was reported that the United Nations General Assembly, which has 193 members, had allowed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to make the pre-recorded speech available. Russia, Belarus, Cuba, North KoreaEritrea, Nicaragua and Syria.

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President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke at the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly

Wednesday 21 September Volodymyr Ze³enski stressed it against Ukraine A real crime has been committed. – Committed against the lives of our people, against the dignity of our women and men. During his speech, the President of Ukraine said that a crime had been committed against the values ​​that make me and I a community of the United Nations. Zelensky stressed the need to punish the Russian people. – Ukraine He demands punishment for trying to steal our land. Penalties for killing thousands of people and torturing and humiliating women and men. Ukraine demonstrated its strength on the battlefield by exercising its inalienable right to self-defense, according to Art. 51 of the United Nations Charter. The Ukrainian president emphasized that no one would accuse us, now or in the future, of being weak or unable to fight for ourselves and for our independence. Zelensky added: – Citizens of the aggressor country should not be able to use tourism or shopping in the lands of those who value peace, but should be encouraged through visa restrictions to fight aggression against their country and be punished for enduring evil. The speech of the President of Ukraine was posted on YouTube by his adviser.

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Ukrainian peace formula clause. Volodymyr Zelensky made five necessary points

Volodymyr Zelensky Which could lead to an end to the ongoing war. I am speaking on behalf of a country that is forced to defend itself. I speak to everyone who wants to hear about how peace can be achieved and what the recipe for peace is. I will present a formula that might work not only for us, but also for anyone who might find themselves in a situation similar to ours. Zelensky stressed that it is a formula that punishes crime, protects life, restores security and territorial integrity, guarantees security and ensures determination.

President introduced The Five Necessary Conditions for Peace. – A special court should be formed to punish Russia for the crime of aggression against our country. This will signal to all potential aggressors that they must value peace or be held accountable by the world. We have prepared concrete steps for the establishment of such a court. It will be offered to all countries. Russia has to pay for this war your assets. It’s also a punishment. The president stressed that this is one of the most terrible penalties for Russian officials, who value money above all else. The second element of the peace equation is the protection of life. The most specific point. Thus, the third point in the Ukrainian peace formula is the restoration of security and territorial integrity. The fourth point is security guarantees. Every nation has the right to ensure security. Not just the great nations. Not just happier. The fifth point in the Ukrainian peace formula is determination. The thing without which the other four points will not work – added Volodymyr Zelensky. The full text of the speech was also published on the website Chancellery of the President of Ukraine.

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