Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty – Players criticize the quality of the PC version.  Among the main complaints are poor optimization and control

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - Players criticize the quality of the PC version.  Among the main complaints are poor optimization and controlWo Long: Fallen Dynasty is the latest game from the Team Ninja studio. As with the NiOh series, the action takes place in the Far East. This time we will not be exploring a world inspired by Japan, as we will be transported to an alternate version of ancient China. In 184 AD, the Han Dynasty came to an end. There are many outbreaks against the emperor in the country, and the first task of the main character is to pacify the population. Although the title only debuted three days ago, it disappointed many gamers.

Steam users are openly critical of the low quality of the PC version of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. Of the 10,000 negative reviews accounted for 72 percent.

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty – Players criticize the quality of the PC version.  Among the main complaints are poor optimization and control

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It seems like PC gamers can never be sure if the technical condition of the title they choose will allow for smooth gameplay on release day, and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is no exception. Over 10,000 are listed on Steam. Reviews, of which only 38 percent are positive. Given the negative opinions of users of the platform, it is easy to see that even owners of powerful computers cannot count on a stable number of frames per second. An additional annoyance is the disappearance and flickering of environment elements, as well as the occasional freezing of the game. Performance can be improved by adjusting the graphics options, but it won’t solve the main problem – the controls.

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - Players criticize the quality of the PC version.  Among the main complaints are poor optimization and control [2]

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Console users have certainly encountered the phenomenon of the so-called. High risk area. Gentle pressure on the analog causes the game to not register tilt on any axis, and so the character does not move. The same problem can be encountered in the PC version of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty – slow mouse movements will be completely ignored, regardless of the selected DPI value or sensitivity level. This is especially annoying during free scouting, as fast camera movements are completely unnecessary. Considering the technical state of the title, its popularity may cause a lot of surprise. In the past 24 hours, 61,000 people have played Chinese warriors. of people, while on the day of the premiere the item was launched more than 75 thousand. players. For comparison, NiOh 2 – The Complete Edition was played simultaneously by 41,000, and NiOh: Complete Edition – 10,500. People.

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - Players criticize the quality of the PC version.  Among the main complaints are poor optimization and control [3]

Source: Steam, Steam Charts

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