You will earn more without the increase.  As of July, you’ll pay 12 percent instead of 17 percent.  tax.  We have the exact accounts [17.04.2022]

An increase without an increase? Yes, in less than three months, starting in July, most Poles will earn higher salaries without applying for a raise from their boss. Thanks to the first tax cut from 17 percent. It goes up to 12 percent because we’ll pay lower taxes, which means higher “on hand” payments. We calculated how much people will earn depending on the total amount guaranteed by the employment contract – from the lowest to very high salaries. So check out how much you’ll get in July and the following months!

At times when high prices from week to week consume almost all reserves and savings, any form of financial cushion is highly desirable. This would certainly be reducing the first rate of the personal income tax schedule from 17 to 12 percent. Regardless of the group of persons whose annual taxable income does not exceed 30,000 PLN. PLN (because this is the total amount exempt from PIT), the tax reduction means that for every 100 PLN earned, it will be an additional 4.55 PLN in wallets (total PLN 5 minus 9% of the health insurance premium).

Complex relief for the middle class to cushion the shock of the 7.75% increase. Tax exemption (in fact, the abolition of the right to deduct almost the entire tax contribution) led to confusion, and along with misunderstanding regarding the determination of the submitted tax (PIT-2) led to the failure of the entire tax reform. It is good, then, for the government to simplify the issue of personal income tax by admitting the error.

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