If you grew up with trilogies like many others SissyIt’s your essential holiday companion, and this quiz is for you. Your goal is to correctly match the 7 letters in our quiz with their names.

Discover Henriette Mendel’s character in Sissy:

This is Louise’s wife.

Find Count Socky:

It’s Count Socky, played by Johannes Ferrigo.

Find Marshall Joseph Radetsky:

Good if you recognize it!

Discover Bach’s character in Sissy:

Commander Böckl is played by Josef Meinrad.

Discover Marina’s character:

She is the daughter of CC.

Discover the character of Baroness Wolfen:

He is played by Hilde Wagoner.

Discover the Charles-Louis character:

He was the brother of Emperor Franz Joseph.

You are a CC fan

You have scored [[ score ]]/[[ questions ]] You are a CC fan

Sissy A trilogy you’ll want to watch and re-watch every year during the year-end holidays. The characters are like a part of your own family, which explains this flawless performance.

We now invite you to take our other quizzes about the trilogy Sissy.

You know CC very well

You have scored [[ score ]]/[[ questions ]] You know CC very well

you love Sissy And get familiar with the characters of the trilogy, most of whom you can name.

We now invite you to take our other quizzes about the trilogy Sissy.

Time to revisit CC

You have scored [[ score ]]/[[ questions ]] Time to revisit CC

It’s time to look again Sissy Because you don’t remember the characters. Damage!

We now invite you to take our other quizzes about the trilogy Sissy.

Alexis Savona

Alexis Savona


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