Young people are afraid of climate change.  This is the first generation of its kind!

Young people declare that they are disciplined in following the ban decisions and dictates related to the epidemic. Three out of four millennials and 69 percent claim “zetek” follow the guidelines in this regard. At the same time, young people want to return to normal as soon as possible. 44 percent of respondents intend to eat in restaurants more than they did before the pandemic, nearly half wanting to ramp up their social gatherings. In professional matters, they expect a mixed business model. A quarter of millennials and 22 percent of Generation Z say they want to perform their professional duties from the office more than during the period of restrictions, but less often than they did before the COVID-19 pandemic.

More than 40 percent of respondents cite flexibility as the most important advantage for an employer. At the same time, they stress the importance of mental health. Nearly 4 in 10 respondents do not believe their superiors have taken measures to support the mental state of employees, which has deteriorated significantly during the pandemic. The higher their stress levels, the less they feel supported by the company that hires them.

Fear of climate catastrophe

Young people want to be the engine of change and focus their energy on pro-social activities – increasing political, local and ideological commitment, as well as modifying the choice of career path for professed values ​​or conscious consumption. Moreover, as we have already seen in previous years, these generations place high demands not only on themselves, but also on business and government.

Climate change and environmental protection have been in the interest of the younger generation for several years. Last year, it was number one among their fears and fears. Because of the pandemic, in this year’s survey, health and unemployment topped the list of millennials’ personal concerns (28% and 27%, respectively). However, the fear for the environment is huge and ranks third on this list (26% of responses). For Generation Z, climate protection remains a major issue.

The pandemic has clearly demonstrated how quickly businesses, organizations and consumers can change their habits and habits toward more sustainable solutions, if necessary. Young people are able to maintain these attitudes for the long term, and not just consider them a temporary necessity. And the more of them they will be the group most affected by the effects of climate change, also in the private sphere. 60% of them have already declared that they take into account or intend to take into account environmental issues when planning their offspring, which may have a significant impact on many sectors of the economy, not only now, but above all in the future – says Dr. Marta Karuaca, Senior Director, Sustainable Development and Economic Analysis Team.

Many representatives of generations Y (37%) and Z (40%) believe that after the epidemic, more and more people will take environmental measures. From recycling, using public transportation, to changing your shopping and eating habits. It is a demanding group of informed consumers who make decisions according to their values. More than a quarter claim that companies’ actions towards the environment (both positive and negative) have a significant impact on their purchasing decisions.

Generations Y and Z are somewhat pessimistic about business. Only less than half believe that the corporate world has a positive impact on society. About 60 percent. Of them are concerned that business leaders will face the challenges of the pandemic, so a commitment to protecting the environment will not be their priority. As much as 44 percent. Millennials and half of Generation Z are guided by their personal moral values ​​when choosing an employer.

– 28 percent of all respondents said that they have established or deepened their relationships with companies whose products and services are environmentally friendly. Roughly the same number of young people admit that they have stopped using the services of a particular brand or are using it to a lesser extent if they consider its offer to be harmful to the planet. This is an important signal for companies, because obviously indifference or disregard for climate change issues can mean losing customers. On the other hand, organizations that implement sustainable solutions can gain a lot from it. – says Irina Picula, Partner, Team Leader for Sustainable Development and Economic Analysis.

The young generation is the engine of change

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