Zero emissions in transportation. Cryogenic propulsion uses two different energy sources.

In fact, they intend to get it, because they announced the start of research into a cryogenic hydrogen-electric propulsion system. The plan is to create a prototype engine with a capacity of 2 megawatts, which will provide the aviation sector with a real leap into the future. Are you ready for zero-emission aircraft powered by hydrogen and electricity?

Read also: Record non-stop flight of 840 km. A milestone for hydrogen aircraft

“The vision of zero-emission air travel is very realistic,” says Chris Gerada, one of the engineers involved in the project. “Moreover, such a scenario may be on the horizon, which allows us to believe that we are not just talking about a vague concept for the coming decades, but a real and implementable solution.”

The fact that the participants in the entire project are taking it seriously is best demonstrated by the fact that they have a technologically advanced center at their disposal. This is where experiments on cryogenic hydrogen-electric drive technology will be conducted. By operating at low temperatures, such a system would increase the efficiency of the entire drive.

The cooled hydrogen-electric engine, being developed by engineers from Great Britain, aims to be a response to the need to implement emission-free air transport.

In addition, it will be important to integrate the entire system with batteries responsible for storing energy and adapting these machines to work in very harsh environments. We are talking about flights at high altitudes and changing temperatures. Of course, an important aspect of the research is the possibility of using so-called digital twins. These are virtual models that represent perfect copies of existing designs. Thanks to this, they can be subjected to different types of simulation.

Read also: An astronomy enthusiast spotted something using a telescope. It turned out to be a secret Chinese space plane.

While electric and hydrogen engines are not a big mystery, having been used in the automotive industry for some time, the cryogenic system could be of great interest. This, according to members of the research team, is the key to storing the fuel efficiently and safely. When temperatures are lowered appropriately, hydrogen can be stored in a liquid state. This is when it has the highest energy density. The scientists from Great Britain have not yet provided specific dates for the demonstration of working devices, but we can expect the development of this concept to take at least a few more years. We can only be patient and wait for more news from the islands.

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